FAQs frequently asked questions about tax lawyers and how they help taxpayers


If you are looking for a legal consultation for your taxation issues, either you are individual paying taxes or taking care of your business taxes, the tax attorney can assist you. Tax attorneys can help you understand lawful regulations of tax and how to solve issues associated with various types of taxes including gift, property, sales, estate, federal income tax, and tariff along with issues complying with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) obligations. A tax lawyer is doctorate with Juris Doctor J.S. degree and has successfully qualified in bar examination in order to put into practice law from the point of view of jurisdiction. But they gain specialization once they develop some years of experience over time as they practice their skills in the specific field of law while following many abrupt changes in regulations of taxation.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

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Tax attorneys are qualified lawyers who acquire their specialization in the complicated and nominal field of law tax. They are known to be the best for determining solutions to technical, complicated, and lawful issues pertaining to your very own tax associated critical situation that make you fidget. A tax lawyer can be called upon when you are in crisis, having consultation sessions before one can also facilitate your evaded problems. They are capable of resolving issues concerned with finance or tax regulations for their respective clients. Attorneys associated with tax stay in touch with regulations made by IRS and laws of tax so that they can facilitate their clients on amendments that affect their financial records. Tax attorneys also help you maintain precise records and build up tactics to crack financial issues that have a twitchy effect on their clients.

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Tax attorneys are liable for various diversified tasks that include:

  • Assessing and evaluating complex issues associated with the field of tax
  • Considering principles concerning accounting and finance
  • Conversing and making settlements with local, state and federal government
  • Exploring and analyzing laws of state and federal government
  • Keeping financial records and tax details confidential for clients

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A good attorney specialized in the field of tax would be the individual who discloses all of the tactics and creativities that you are capable of utilizing in order to preserve your money. Actually, they are persons who take care of all of your concerned issues that you face while paying your income taxes along with figuring out assorted policies related to income. Tax attorneys help you fix your tricky situations when it is all about shelling your income taxes, and can often save your money by implying some ideas to delude in general the IRS program. Their actions always follow a legal way. Virtually they don’t entertain any unlawful technique while stepping into anything. These people are capable of applying their justified techniques within the premises of definite law.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

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Overseeing the process of taxation in the USA, tax attorneys are responsible for assisting you to keep income taxes, and one individual must shell out approximately half of the one’s income allied with it. At the time when you are paying it effectively, the federal government will mark mostly people as fraud ones and might additionally allege anybody because of this. In the USA, a person has to give out income taxes in these ways, firstly along with subsequently for the department of state related to property taxes on the basis of IRS. Every tax attorney usually targets taxes problems and escaping out from taxes as well. A taxpayer finds it too hard that an audit allied with corresponding annual income source, also cannot trace a scheme to save their possessions due to the fees and levies charged upon the personal assets. On the other hand, with the help of a tax attorney, one is able to fix these sorts of issues. Mini business takeovers consider tax attorneys as significant as their own form of accountancy in the business. The income taxation process of USA is the most complicated in the whole world; tax attorneys are liable to perform a huge task. The legislative system of the American Taxes is changing; transforming yearly. Also, it’s very tacky for a person to know everything about the brand-emerging amendments. But it is merely the job of a specialized tax attorney who keeps an eye upon all the emerging changes and transformations in the thought process to facilitate the clients properly. If not then there is no reason for being committed to one’s tax attorney and respecting this person with certainty without getting the desired result. They also work for the government to help them acquire their payments of back tax within the specified amount of time.

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A lawyer who is capable of taking some legal actions in the field of tax is at times required to settle the complex maze of legitimate issues that can often arise due to unresolved taxation problems. Tax audit lawyers can be particularly cooperative and essential in tackling with issues related to back taxes or audits either for personal interest or for business interests. When the local state or IRS gets drawn into personal or business financial situations, most of the people are unaware, or they don’t wish to intrude into the probable inquiries and those added charges in the name of fine or possible judgmental interactions that can initiate with them. But you must be consulted with tax audit lawyers first. Lawful actions, codes of conducts and necessary requirements transform which can bring the most cautious personal leak or business to show up in an audit. It is essential to ensure that a piece of advice from a highly regarded tax audit lawyer is accessible for any potential difficulties that can happen while assessing the processes of taxation.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

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Attorneys specialized in matters pertaining to income taxes for both interests can come up with different strategies and pledges due to their ample learning and some years of experience. Negotiating matters with IRS can be really taxing for many people, also leaving them in difficulty with unsettled income problems. A skilled tax audit lawyer can consider the situation well and recommend a resolution which might be pleasant to both parties; the client and government interests. Most of the individuals or businesses are unaware of their privileges within the premises of law and might be with no trouble manipulated or inconsiderately compelled by proficient people whose jobs are to break down on negligent activities that are in opposition to the law.

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Most of the citizens may not be acquainted with codes of conducts or their lawful rights and when faced up with multiple issues concerning taxes, are not capable of defending them well or their personal assets. Hence they should consult with tax audit lawyers. Not every IRS trouble is the consequence of malevolent or deliberate avoidance campaigns by citizens. Even so often troubles are originated by an inappropriate realization of laws or an alteration in business or individual class. There are loads of policies regarding the individual entity that involves concerning problems such as property, investments, family dependencies, resources gains and other savings. Matrimony or dependent status that varies can be trouble at some times and may call for the backing of a paramount tax audit lawyer.

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Business taxing is an additional apprehension for a lot of vendors of small or large scale organizations. Minor businesses may surrender to the appeal to tackle with taxes without calling for a tax audit lawyer on payment. This can provide evidence for a severe blunder since persistent amendments in Internal Revenue necessities come up almost every year. Earlier than a small business setup is being done, it is prudent to prefer a good tax audit lawyer who is aware of all the business worries that are related to taxation and involve taxes. Inspection with eligible tax audit lawyers all the way through the year will indemnify that taxes are securely dispatched, and all possessions are entirely accounted for the duration of year-end compliances.

The fact that there has been some exploitation of capital that necessitates an inspection from the IRS program can be really threatening for a small scale business that has just entered the market. Forecast scheduling along with the assistance of a competent tax audit lawyer can grant rational pledge of nothing happening that will surprise a vendor or descend a small organization. Large-scale companies visibly have many superior concerns that are related to the IRS program which includes workers taxes, income, and asset liability. Audits are widespread in grand organizations, and most of them will require the services providence of an attorney who will inspect the company during an audit and its successive concerns.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

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Before choosing an individual or a firm, there are some things to do first in order to hire a tax audit lawyer for a multinational company or individual concerns. At all times, search for such attorneys that propose a lawful specialty that concerns the core of an issue. For the purpose of audits, a tax audit lawyer is the most excellent preference given the fact that this individual will be up to the pace on the most up-to-date lawful actions and legal policies that are pertinent to matters relating to taxes. Also, search for an attorney that has some great past successful experiences while conducting audits and severe cases relating to the IRS. The major deliberation for audits is experienced because nobody wants a layman tackling the income of any business or family. It might be costly to employ a qualified attorney specialized in taxes and audits. On the other hand, the cash that is being saved in charges might be worthwhile investing in a skillful attorney.

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No one is a happy taxpayer. But at the same time, tackling with problems concerning taxation, though, is yet more troublesome. The most horrible mania you can have while confronting an audit is to encounter it along. The efficient way of conducting an audit needs winning policies and painstaking homework. The earlier and faster you hire an attorney, it goes the better. An attorney has to focus his accounting, tax and lawful experience in order to build up an approach for concern, such that the client must be able to rely on his tax problem lawyer for acting promptly while constructing a robust case. Tax problem lawyer evaluates financial records, congregating and putting the credentials in an order that are necessary for dealing with the explicit audit.

It is not infrequent for persons to be at the back of their taxing procedures or to be indebted more in taxing amount than they are capable of paying. A tax problem attorney has a clear realization of the procedures that can be acquired in order to grant clients with tax relief based on IRS. Unluckily, notices regarding the taxing amount owing cannot be challenged. Those who owe their personal interest or for business interest are not required muddling in the course of multifaceted tax problems on their own. Tax problem lawyers are liable to deal with the problems that are related to any kind of state, local and federal government tax and can facilitate your progress onward, doesn’t matter what kind of tax dilemma you’ve been into.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

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Tax problem attorneys can be called upon according to the nature of dilemma that any individual or business has been facing, their different positions allow them to visualize situations with a wider view of perception and can address many issues, some of which are mentioned as follows:

Tax debt – The issue concerning back taxes can be seen as diversified actions involving tax seizures, wage garnishments which are the subtraction of monetary earnings of an employee and IRS levies and liens that are being charged upon assets and property. Tax problem lawyers are able to assist you in order to deal with the matters about due taxes, for instance using a payment policy or present in negotiation.

Tax audits – These must not be taken lightly because any of the tax audits can place you in a dangerous spot. These might be related to corporate, personal, local, federal or state, but it’s very significant to act in response to the way it should be, in order to get the issue under audit resolute. The background in tax along with experience in lawful actions and knowledge of accounting can facilitate tax problem lawyers to help their clients.

Guiltless partner relief –In some states of affairs, a spouse or ex-spouse does not need to pay the entire quantity of a duo’s combined tax charge. If an individual is encountered with such a problem, tax problem lawyer is there to help you out towards a solution on the basis of innocent spouse privileges for maintaining his or her status.

Payroll taxes – This can lead towards many things which can originate businesses to get at the back on these payroll taxes. Tax problem lawyers help you with getting your payroll taxes back on the leading trail. If not overseen, it can be a thorny issue for leading businesses.

Estate Planning– Property, wills, and chattels lead upon never-ending complex issues. An attorney, who has the proficient expertise in tax, as well as estate planning, can assist you in identifying the finest tax prospects, options, and alternatives for your corresponding estate.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

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When it comes up towards heated tax discussion, an individual must never take for granted that he or she is deficient with any kind of options. There must be quite a lot of workable courses of action to get you out from intricate tax problems. And this is not just easier said than done. Tax problem lawyers have dedicated attorneys that do not become uncertain to bring local or state authorities or IRS into an eye to eye challenge. Moreover, at many times they develop strategies that involve negotiation and working out through a feasible solution by using a strategy of settling matters through communication in order to pursue tax relief.

Hiring an attorney is a significant move. It is wise to keep hold of the foremost tax attorney who you meet up. Always make sure to interrogate attorneys with awareness and come across someone whom you are comfortable with and have the significant credentials that you need. Communicate with a few attorneys. Almost every person has been through some sort of difficulty while enforcing IRS and we all are familiar with the fact that somebody is going through this presently. But few people have come up with some effective solutions.

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Back taxes refer to the taxes that are not being paid by the due date. Those back taxes that are yet to be paid to the IRS are due to some causes which include a taxpayer’s incapability to shell out the illness or demise of a taxpayer, or plainly just forgetting about paying the taxes. Also, unsuccessful submission of the comeback case for several years. In spite of any reason, you will sooner or later call in order to tackle the subject and settle out an accord with the regime to shell out the back taxes to be paid. If you are living a daydream that the IRS will plainly forget about the capital that you are indebted is mostly an idiotic and pricey stake; only a back taxes lawyer can save you.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

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If you don’t follow the measures in order to resolve back taxes, then keep in mind that the IRS has an authority to get back the money it owned before by taking such initiatives. For instance, ceasing your bank accounts transactions, wages garnishment, putting tax levies and liens on your possessions and assets and grabbing hold of your refunding procedures of tax resulting in the accumulation of penalties. The more you remain calm while doing nothing to resolute issues of back tax, the more the dilemma can twirl out of your control. If you are well aware of the fact that you have not given away your income taxes or if the IRS have acknowledged you with a note of precedent due taxes giving you details about the history, it is very significant that you get in touch with a back taxes lawyer as soon as possible.

Following are some of the possible solutions that back taxes lawyers should help their clients in deploying in order to resolve these issues:

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Back taxes must be filed as early as possible. The IRS is always stuck with its rule of not taking legal action against people who on their own accord file their previous back taxes. Don’t think the IRS won’t find you because they will. The IRS has a slow, but an efficient computerized system.


This solution helps when you have complete realization of what tax settlement actually is, and you can call a back taxes lawyer for knowing about details of how this procedure works out, how we are able to settle the taxes that are to be paid to IRS. One must know the eligible entity that is being offered by tax settlements from IRS.


Before the IRS catches you, you must have the knowledge to file up your returns since it won’t be late. Pile up all your significant credentials, or you can employ some skilled tax professionals who can help you, someone like back taxes lawyer in filing your returns.


If an individual has no money and has been going through the financial crisis, then it can evidently prove to IRS that you don’t have any means of paying your taxes. This will in return cease collection actions for the temporary basis against you.


You must make efforts in order to eradicate interest amount and penalties that you have previously received while filing your due taxes or paying them late. You can come up with many excuses which the IRS will be accepting and will thus allow you to eradicate your most of the penalties and probably some of the interest amounts too.


This OIC is more like negotiating on your money that should be told by back taxes lawyers to their clients. This is being done through this way; if you are up to the mark of some strict set of eligibility as required by the IRS, then you are eligible to settle your back taxes with IRS for the very less amount to be paid to the IRS by compromising an offer.


One can pay back taxes to the IRS in some ways, but they must not be neglected. The installment agreement is the most reliable method these days. If one cannot pay the required amount, he/she is liable to pay via installment method by paying through some amount of taxes in the form of installments. This is another feasible way.


There are several other ways you can shell out your back taxes that are yet to be paid. You just need to realize various ways of paying back taxes to the IRS, and if you don’t know, then you must hire back taxes lawyer. To save your money and time, these guidelines can aid you to become more effective when you are determining solutions for yet to be paid taxes.


In order to improve your present financial situation, you need to explore out the most convincible way through which you can settle your pay back taxes.


IRS considers frauds those who are engaged in these sorts of tax stealing procedures. This is why to resolute pay taxes won’t be a piece of cake. You can use your lawful rights to pay taxes and any problem about tax can be resolved.

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Being a business owner, one is familiar with the fact that meeting everyday expenditures can be really difficult when maximum profit is not being produced. When we talk about profit earning, if the business is having some bad luck in a particular month or year, business owners may lay all the respective responsibilities of the payroll tax on the backside of the burner so that they can manage the little remain on the door opening as well as to the store. The current besieged economy is indeed not uncommon. Business owners can lay all the responsibilities upon payroll tax lawyer.

But they must deny waiting. Unluckily, 941 employment taxes that are unpaid can consequently be a cause of the legal convulsion of your property or levy in order to suit owing debt. Most of the American business owners are unaware of the fact that the government of United States regards employment tax or unpaid payroll as a debt of very high priority. This implies that before bringing income tax from people together; the IRS will attempt to take unpaid taxes from organizations, and will be highly violent in their action of collection in opposition to the business as compared to the moment when they would react towards another sort of tax situation. Hence they must lend a hand from payroll tax lawyers.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

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A business can be consequently confronted towards a major blockage if it attempts to settle the due payment of taxes through a long-term plan since the government would not mind if your business even survives or not.

A business owner is merely responsible for collecting taxes for medication of employees, federal income and social security; which is also commonly known as trust fund taxes in order to work out with IRS. This is because the IRS thinks those who don’t pay the taxes timely as frauds and thefts. Hence Payroll tax lawyers are there for help.

Due to the granted charge of theft, the IRS itself makes it very intricate to ignore penalties because it can really cause them fidgety. The IRS will go on with applying for the present payments late with a cycle, consequently causing you to earn more penalties. If you fail to give payment for even only a single payroll tax and make efforts to make all of the payments in time for the whole year, which can twirl you into more and more debt if you lack the cash flow to meet the expense.

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As a consequence of failing to take care of your payroll taxes and filing your payroll tax returns timely, IRS has powerful authority to charge you penalties and these penalties are more severe as compared to other penalties. IRS is liable to significantly increase the owing payment in a very less amount of time. The IRS becomes awfully very violent while making collections for payroll taxes. They are capable of shutting you down, seizing your business possessions, presenting your personal assets at auction for sale, and taking holds of your business than allowing you to keep on collecting extra liabilities of the payroll tax. What you require is to consult with payroll tax lawyer in order to escape from these penalties.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

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A payroll tax lawyer can assist you in initiating an organization that is tax-exempted and can help you with necessary filing and credentials maintenance. For the purpose of maintaining an exempt position, organizations are needed to meet the necessary criteria and must be qualified in reporting particular obligations. Religious, political, private, charitable and non-profit are the sorts of organizations that provide tax exemptions.

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There are some penalties that you can easily get rid of only if you are able to provide some evident proofs of neglect and failure of payroll tax payment. All you need to do is to develop a typical tear twitching argument for providing the cause of not paying or not filing return tax in time, and you just could not work out them since they were out of your approach. It has been observed that personal reasons are more able to win arguments rather than business-related reasons. It won’t just work if you have chosen to shell out a different obligation. But the things that are personal pertaining to your family, medical problems, employee-related issues those kinds of things tend to work out in such cases. On the other hand, with the above saying, many firms in the field of tax law have worked upon many successful matters that cater issues concerning payroll tax over the period of time to resolve disputes of interests and penalties that are rooted due to the cause of failures of paying taxes. Thus to recover them, consultation sessions should be conducted with payroll tax lawyers who can help you with tackling these issues and acknowledge you about possible alternative options to eradicate them and facilitate you. If you are having payroll taxes problems, you must not deal with the IRS on your own; you must call a payroll tax lawyer. It is highly recommended to hire a professional delegate in the form of payroll tax lawyer who has the knowledge about all the operations of IRS.

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It is really unlucky for anyone who is being confronted with criminal tax charges and has to be blamed for them. No one considers it a fortune happening. If someone is being charged upon and then later investigation and allegation conforms to his or her innocence, then it is of no use since it causes damages to the financial position, emotions, reputation, record, and respect.

In order to eradicate these intricate damages caused due to the tax pertaining matters, one must take suitable precautionary measures that might result in a criminal record if being ignored. IRS has a potent department that deals with such matters and is called Criminal Investigation Division (CID). It works with astonishing competence in order to pursue taxpayers and investigate them who are indulged in committing crimes related to tax field. The CID department of IRS has a total number of investigating agents as equal to the number of investigation cases that they have to work upon which means you cannot ignore this subject. Hence tax defense lawyers should be beside you because they have somebody in person to explore your criminal investigation.

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In case you prefer to employ somebody, it is highly recommended to you to call for a tax defense lawyer without any delay if you have been engaged in some crime. Just think about this fact; what if your investigation has being gone on, or most likely to be scrutinized by the IRS division? It is better to consider the situation as early as possible and starts to work out immediately in order to determine the solution of the matter so that it can result in no or less harm.

Tax defense lawyer must have profound experiences of working throughout the various phases of criminal investigations at IRS division, at the CID level, prosecution level, and attorney level and most importantly at the civil level. He must have proficient skills of working with local, state and federal government representatives.

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You must work outimmediately and very specifically in order to continue criminal issues from whirling the corner. Criminal depiction or probable criminal depiction includes several things like reviewing all the facts and figures completely and then examining the concerned situation which follows the immediate communication with the IRS’s CID division directly or by contacting the civil agent of IRS who may attempt to whirl the criminal case. The investigating agent must be then interviewed to get familiar with their successive moves including their knowledge about the subject and what are their next steps and then work with determination in order to turn the matter as early as possible leading towards a positive direction. While dealing with criminal matters, tax defense lawyers can be hired, and one must be working effectively and thoroughly overseeing the situation, but he must know his timings and keep his decisions in preserving civil rights. It must be noted that prison time is worst than nothing and whatever the civil consequences are, every solution of the problem is better.

Any individual has rights that he or she must be well aware of them; law tax defense lawyers can help you even at the moment you consider yourself to be guilty.

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A good tax defense lawyer will defend you and preserve your rights. He listens to your problems and does not just give them to others. He has the potential to review your case thoroughly, bring out possible alternatives and choices to save you. He holds your hand throughout the whole phases of investigations and makes you feel comfortable working with him. He ponders upon the situation, if cops have done the right thing by stopping your car, was it the legal action that they asked you for sobriety and breathing tests. Were you mistaken or that was just a wrong accusation? A tax defense lawyer has to check every single detail to fight your case and help you with damages recovery.

Hence the exclusive best attempt is to hire an attorney who can aid you with ample knowledge related to your subject, and you must be able to know about their doings. Tax defense lawyers are qualified advocates for those who face criminal charges, who are into the criminal investigation or potential investigation all over the nation and they are marvelously successful at dealing with accusations.

Only an EA enrolled agent, CPA certified public accountant, or tax lawyer/attorney can represent you before the IRS, FTB, EDD and BOE.

Call us today for reliable tax help at 877-788-2937.

Mike Habib is an IRS licensed Enrolled Agent who owns and operates a specialized tax representation firm serving taxpayers in various metro areas such as Los Angeles, Whittier, Pasadena, Glendale, Burbank, Orange County, Riverside, Palm Springs, San Bernardino, Palmdale, Bakersfield, New York, New Jersey, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Detroit, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Columbus, Austin, Memphis, Fort Worth, Baltimore, Charlotte, El Paso, Boston, Seattle, Washington DC, Milwaukee, Denver, Louisville, Jefferson, Las Vegas, Reno, Hempstead, Tucson, Nashville, Davidson, Portland, Tucson, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Anchorage, Atlanta, Long Beach, Fresno, Sacramento, Mesa, Kansas City, Cleveland, Virginia Beach, Omaha, Miami, Oakland, Tulsa, Honolulu, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Colorado Springs, Arlington, Wichita, Birmingham, Montgomery, Tampa, Orlando.

Local communities served:

Tax representation firm serving taxpayers throughout Southern California including Whittier, Norwalk, Santa Fe Springs, Downey, Pico Rivera, Montebello, Hacienda Heights, La Habra Heights, West Covina, La Habra, Brea, Fullerton, Yorba Linda, Cerritos, La Mirada, Lakewood, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Long Beach, Compton, Torrance, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and throughout Los Angeles County, Newport Beach, Irvine, Orange County, Corona, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, the Inland Empire, the San Fernando Valley, Ventura county, and the San Gabriel Valley.

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Client Reviews

Mike has given us peace of mind! He helped negotiate down a large balance and get us on a payment plan that we can afford with no worries! The stress of dealing with the...

April S.

Mike Habib - Thank you for being so professional and honest and taking care of my brothers IRS situation. We are so relieved it is over and the offer in compromise...

Joe and Deborah V.

Mike is a true professional. He really came thru for me and my business. Dealing with the IRS is very scary. I'm a small business person who works hard and Mike helped me...

Marcie R.

Mike was incredibly responsive to my IRS issues. Once I decided to go with him (after interviewing numerous other tax professionals), he got on the phone with the IRS...

Marshall W.

I’ve seen and heard plenty of commercials on TV and radio for businesses offering tax help. I did my research on many of them only to discover numerous complaints and...

Nancy & Sal V.

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There Is a Time for Everything... A Time To Weep and a Time To Laugh, a Time To Mourn and a Time To Dance.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-4